Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Russell Simmons - How to Meditate

If you want to have a fun, productive day, it’s important to begin with morning meditation. A lot of people ask me how to meditate, expecting it to be difficult, but it’s actually very simple. First, find a comfortable seat and set your alarm for 20 minutes. It’s very important that you are sitting comfortably. After a minute silently repeat (in your mind) the Mantra “Rum” over and over to yourself. You can do this at a fast or slow pace as you like, but repeat this mantra simply as a vibration (it has no meaning). Meditation only requires that you sit, be patient and “watch all your thoughts” as they come and go. But, you MUST be patient, patience is the key. Don’t expect anything. You will likely lose your mantra, it will slip away and a thought will take over your mind. That’s OKAY. Finish your thought and gently go back to the mantra. In a few minutes you might experience a real calmness and if you do, your mind will notice this and rebel. But you must continue to sit and let your mind go crazy. The mind is like a monkey in a cage: When it realizes the cage will not move, it will settle. It (the mind) WILL eventually slip deeper into meditation. Just sit, relax and repeat your mantra……. This is how you meditate. ~Russell Simmons

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